Sonntag, 3. August 2014

Here I am ( (c) Nessie)

Here I am, laying on the floor.
My heart screams, death knocks on the door. 
You told me that you'd never leave,
But yesterday you did. 
It hurts to see, it aches to breathe,
Your words were like a bomb to me. 

Here I am dying on the ground,
Licking blood over every wound. 
I told you to stay
But yesterday you killed me. 
People just stare, people just leave
You were special and you were rare. 

Here I am crying my heart out
Cause yesterday you were too proud,
Cause I miss her so much
And I needed you to stay, to love who I am
But yesterday that was the day,
Yesterday you left. 

Here I am praying to my god,
That I will ever find my odd,
That I will someday forget,
How it hurst to miss, how hurts to lose,
How everyone just can leave so easily.

Here I am hoping you'll come back. 
Hoping you'll miss a wreck,
Hoping you will safe me just like last year.
Here I am crying my heart out,
Cause you left again and too. 

1 Kommentar:

  1. Hey,
    wie lange hattest Du es ohne ritzen ausgehalten?
    Egal, wie lange es war: Du kannst stolz auf Dich sein! Immerhin hattest Du es ohne ausgehalten und solche Rückschläge gehören, leider, dazu. Ich drücke Dir ganz fest die Daumen, dass es wieder bergauf geht!
    LG Feder


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